Thursday, May 26, 2011

I forgot to sign my passport!

Hello everybody. Welcome to my blagh. It's really cool.
Reasons for keeping this blog throughout my trip:
            Being a member of MIISP means that other students from U of M and myself will keep blogs and share them with each other throughout the summer.  I believe Kelly and Bill will be following as well! MIISP blog 
            My parents can keep tabs on me, since this will be the best record of what I’m doing or what I want to do.
            POSSIBLY my igloo gals and other amigos will MAYBE check this out. I know personally that Megan Szkatulski has requested an extremely detailed account of my travels. I shall make note of this if I ever decided to buy a pair of pants. Wink
            Mott Community Relations I SEE YOU! I will make sure to send any Spanish beanie babies your way.

Continuing on…
The trip started a little rough, as I approached DTW feeling like I was going to vomit. However, my flight only took off an hour late and I arrived to Schipol airport in Amsterdam earlier than expected. The nice young man sitting next to me convinced me to take advantage of complimentary beverages while on board, so I skipped the sleeping pill and we talked till the wee hours of the morning. Eventually I got about an hour of sleep… maybe? But it was great to not be stuck next to a crying baby or oversized human for 8 hours! He is also living in Spain for the summer so we may share cities later on. Overall, the flight when by pretty quick.
I am currently waiting to board my flight to Madrid. It's only about 2 hours, and from there I’ll head right to my hotel to crash. In the meantime, I will sip my delightful DUTCH coffee and eat this strange pastry I bought because I wanted to be super euro.
 don’t feel nervous anymore or scared, but maybe I’m just running on adrenaline. I talked to many people at the airport while waiting in lines and such, and everyone has been so encouraging. Some mom started crying because she said I reminded her of when her daughter went to Panama, or something. Couldn’t really understand through the tears, but it was touching!
Oh and that really cool title of this blog? It has deep significance for me. Actually, not really. But it is the title of an album I have listened to repeatedly since I realized I MUST learn Spanish. She’s a Mexican singer, actually, named Julieta Venegas and the album is adorable and great. ‘Otra Cosa’ means “Something Else,” or at least in this translation, and I think that’s pretty perfect! The song on the album is all about doing something else and hoping you can make something of it. OMG IT FITS SO PERFECT LOL.  Plus it looks really cute up there.
Well I will continue to drink this delightful coffee and pick at this ever-so-strange euro pastry until I take off to Madrid. I will update very soon MOM and DAD. 
(Side Note: forgetting to sign my passport was SO embarrassing. I'm such a newbie!)

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